Headquartered in Lisbon, and opting for a tripartite editorial system based on a quarterly print magazine, a daily online magazine and an art-centred social network (UmbigoLAB), UMBIGO has the intent to build a bridge between Portugal and the rest of the world, through the diffusion of different forms of content proposed by artists, critics, curators, museums, galleries and several cultural institutions.
The very essence of UMBIGO is driven by the valorisation of art, culture, but also the intellectual, scientific and artistic production, pivotal for the development of human knowledge.
From a political standpoint, UMBIGO has been conducting a decentralization effort, publishing content that displays the production plurality throughout the Portuguese territory, in an attempt to raise awareness in a small country with a shortage of fine-tuned urban and cosmopolitan practices.
The editorial statutes of UMBIGO also contemplate the careful selection of such contents, the acute promotion of young artists, curators and art critics, the stimulation of a friendly atmosphere between the parties and the production of challenging and original projects.
Since its foundation in 2002, and now issued in Portuguese and English, with international distribution and a growing audience, the print magazine has adapted itself to the demanding and perennially volatile trends of the media market, while protecting its editorial line.
The online magazine is primarily focused on articles centred on exhibitions, cultural content from theater to film and music, as well as the regular update of relevant events.
Finally, the art-centred social network, UmbigoLAB, is the materialization of an old ambition to conceive a focal point for artists, curators, art agents and enthusiasts, without mediation and with carefully selected content. It is an experimental and incremental platform, with a growing number of shares and views.